Cabin and Forest Terms & Conditions

Boulder Field Cabin is located within an unmanaged woodland site and is without modern improvements.  As such, there are natural hazards, such as cliffs, large boulders, uneven ground, barbed wire fencing, tree roots, brambles, nettles, poisonous plants, and extremely limited lighting after dark, and depending upon weather conditions, cold, wet and slippery surfaces. Please stay on the designated paths as other areas are wild and have significant risks.

Throughout the year, your cabin, although cosy and dry, may also become home for the short term to some of our other residents such as insects, spiders, frogs, mice etc. Also, you may see other wildlife like foxes, badgers, stoats, rabbits and hedgehogs, so keep your food safe. Please remember they were here first and be kind to them.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the woodland site is as safe as possible there is always a risk of injury when playing or staying in the woods from trips, falls, injuries from sticks and even the possibility of falling branches/trees.

Only paying guests are allowed in the woods and at the cabin.  Also, pets are not allowed unless previously authorized.

No commercial photo shoots are allowed unless previously authorized.

By booking your stay at Boulder Field Cabin you are accepting there is a risk to your person and property and are happy to take full responsibility for any injuries or losses sustained.